2024 Reading and blogging Reflections

2024 Reading and Blogging Reflections – A Year of Challenges and Growth

In all my years of blogging, this is the first time I find myself at a loss for where to begin. This year has been a whirlwind—filled with both highs and lows that seemed to balance each other out, though the second half of the year leaned more heavily toward challenges. Check out my 2024 Reading and blogging Reflections, A Year of Challenges and Growth in this post.

2024 Reading and blogging Reflections

2024 in life

The year started on a high note. I was thrilled to secure a job, which eased our financial situation significantly. However, as the initial excitement wore off, the reality of my work environment set in. My employer’s true colors emerged, turning each day into a struggle by midyear. While I often vented about work challenges in my wrap-up posts, I clung to a positive attitude, hoping to make it work for the sake of stability.

Then came an even greater hurdle: my child’s school began to target her, escalating issues to the point where she outright said she didn’t want to attend anymore. The school insisted on a shadow teacher, which prompted us to restart her therapy immediately. This left me with very little time for my job, but my employer showed no understanding. Instead, he continued to overload me with work, offered no additional resources, and refused to provide the flexibility I desperately needed. Many nights, I found myself working until 10 p.m., juggling deadlines and personal responsibilities.

This was affecting my child in the worst way. Emotionally, she was struggling at school, and at home, she had limited time with me. The school’s ultimatum about hiring a shadow teacher, combined with my mounting unhappiness at work, led to a tough decision: I resigned. My boss was displeased with my abrupt departure and even denied me an experience letter, but by then, I no longer cared.

Things began to improve after Diwali. With the support of the shadow teacher, school life became less overwhelming for my child, and we turned our focus to preparing for a much-needed December vacation. The trip brought a noticeable positive change in my kid’s behavior—perhaps all she needed was a change of environment. Now, even the shadow teacher believes her support might not be needed much longer. There are still areas to work on, like her stubbornness and navigating small-group social settings, but these are challenges we’re addressing with patience and exposure. For now, we’ll continue with the shadow teacher until the school advises otherwise, especially since the term is nearly over.

As for my reading and blogging journey this year, it inevitably took a backseat. Early in the year, my job kept me busy, and later, my focus shifted to my child. While I met my reading goal, much of it consisted of children’s books or shorter reads. Blogging slowed to two posts a week, and some weeks I barely managed one. Blog-hopping also became a luxury I couldn’t afford often. I noticed the impact on my stats, but I’m okay with it—I knew from the start this year would be different.

Highlights of 2024

We bought our first car in August and took many weekend trips ever since
Dubai trip
I received more physical Arc compared to previous year
Enjoying kindle subscription

For those who enjoy numbers, stats and graphs…

2024 in reading

2024 in reading
longest and shortest read
popular and rating

2024 in Blogging

2024 in Blogging
most visit on map
most referrers

Posts I enjoyed writing in 2024

Persuasion by Jane Austen

Dubai Diaries

2024 Mid Year Book Freak Out

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

Looking back at 7 years of Book Blogging

25 Books for Women’s History Month

I’ll also be sharing my favorite reads, new-to-me authors, and other year-end lists in upcoming posts. Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. Here’s to hoping 2025 brings more balance, growth, and joy for all of us.

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How was your year in general?
What were the highlights of 2024?
Did you read and blog more this year or less?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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