3 Concepts books for 6 year old
Review,  Children

3 Concepts books for 6 year old

Hello readers! I got more amazing and beautiful children’s book to review and also to read with my kid. This time they are Concepts books for 6 year old.

Vaccine for Smartypants;
Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants;
Earthquakes for Smartypants
-by Anushka Ravishankar.

As the titles suggest these books explain the concepts of Vaccines, Earthquakes, and Newton’s Laws of Motion to primary graders in fun way. And now after reading them to my kid, I wish I had these books as kid. It would have made science much more fun.

Check out my reviews of these Smartypants Concepts books in this post.

Disclaimer – Many thanks to publisher for review copies.
This post contains affiliate links.

3 Concepts books for 6 year old

3 Concepts books for 6 year old

Vaccines for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar, Pia Alizé Hazarika (illustrator)

Vaccines for Smartypants

Vaccines for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar, Pia Alizé Hazarika (illustrator)

Publication Date : August 28, 2023

Publisher : Duckbill

Read Date : August 22, 2023

Genre : Children’s book

Age : 6+

Pages : 40

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Are you a Smartypants?
Do you ask a lot of questions? Like-
Are all germs bad?
What is an antibody?
Do T cells go to school?
If you do, then you just might find the answers in this book.
It has gorgeous pictures, simple explanations and a very curious cat!


Vaccines for Smartypants fun and beautiful book to introduce kids with the concept of Vaccines.

No kid likes injections and those vaccine visits to the doctor are headaches with tantrums, and screaming and crying! This book familiarises kids with what is a vaccine, why vaccines are made, why they are important, and how they are made… all the questions that kids have and they ask us before/during that dreadful doctor’s visit.

What I love about this book is how all the thoughts are shown through a cat who is smartypants. The cat is fun and lovely and I’m sure it will make kids laugh with its know-it-all nature and antic behavior. I also love the style of speech bubbles telling cat (in a way to readers) about the concept and answering the cat’s questions making it conversational.

However the cat’s questions aren’t written in speech bubbles, the reader has to assume what cat might be saying through illustrations and from what the narrator is saying in the speech bubble. Well, my kid (4 yr old) is too small to guess a cat’s thoughts or questions like that so I made them for her to make it easy for her. (you can see that in pics below)

I liked how the author explained all scientific terms making it easy for kids to understand what is an antibody, what is immune system, T-cells, and how they fight germs. My kid might not have understood all of that but she is big enough to know from the pictures about the injections that is called vaccines, germs, good germs, bad germs, and it’s bad germs that make us sick so we have to take a vaccine. (She still doesn’t like vaccines and injections, so I’ll say this doesn’t uproot their fear of injection)

And you can see for yourself how amazing the illustrations are.

Overall, Vaccines for Smartypants fun, cute, and beautifully illustrated concept book for primary graders that all kids would love to flip through.

Book Links

Goodreads | Amazon.in | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar

Newton’s Laws for Smartypants

Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar

Publication Date : August 22, 2023

Publisher : Duckbill

Read Date : August 21, 2023

Genre : Children’s book

Age : 6+

Pages : 40

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Are you a Smartypants?
Do you ask a lot of questions? Like-
What is force?
What is acceleration?
Will you go to jail if you break Newton’s laws?
If you do, then you just might find the answers in this book.
It has gorgeous pictures, simple explanations and a very curious cat!


Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants is another amazing concept book with beautiful illustrations explaining Newton’s Law.

While the kids might be too small to know much about classical physics or any big scientific terms they sure have questions like what is Newton’s law and why it is important and this book explains it in such plain English that I bet they would learn Newton’s law early in their age and will make their concept pretty strong.

Once again we understand the concept through cat who is smartypants like kids. It was amazing how the author started explaining the laws by familiarising kids with each law step by step with what is motions, force, speed, and mass and how they all are most important in Newton’s Law of Motion.

That line in the synopsis “Will you go to jail if you break Newton’s laws?” made me laugh and there are some other amusing questions our smartypant cat asks in this book, “why it is called speed“, “Can we change the word acceleration? it’s big!“, “Did Newton made these rules?“… That toilet pic made both me and kid laugh. And as there also is mouse and elephant to explain the concepts, my kid love this book most. (Don’t ask me why! One reason is she loves Tom & Jerry and mouse here is Jerry!)

Overall, Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants is amusing and entertaining concept book with beautiful illustrations and simple language.

Book Links

Goodreads | Amazon.in | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

Earthquakes for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar

Earthquakes for Smartypants (3)

Earthquakes for Smartypants by Anushka Ravishankar

Publication Date : August 22, 2023

Publisher : Duckbill

Read Date : August 21, 2023

Genre : Children’s book

Age : 6+

Pages : 40

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Earthquakes for Smartypants
Are you a Smartypants?
Do you ask a lot of questions? Like–
What is the surface of the Earth called?
Is the Earth actually a rainbow cake?
How do you measure an earthquake?
If you do, then you just might find the answers in this book.
It has gorgeous pictures, simple explanations and a very curious cat!


Earthquakes for Smartypants is fun and informative concept book about Earthquakes.

Earthquakes aren’t common here. When we had an Earthquake back in 2001, I was in school and I honestly didn’t know what was happening and my brother was scared to go in the house for weeks. No kid at that time had any idea what is earthquake and why it happened. We also didn’t have internet! (Hmm, another reason why I think these book have helped me as a kid.)

Like other books in this series, it started with the definition of Earthquake and cat being funny about each explanation. The author explained what is Earthquake, where it happens, and why it happens flawlessly including details of the layers of Earth, forces in the Earth, and other terms related to Earthquakes like fault lines, epicenter, body wave, and surface wave and how the magnitude of the Earthquake is measured.

The conversations between the cat and the narrator are fun and the illustrations are beautiful. My favorite one was the cat sliding in the park when it’s explained ‘how plates sometimes slide towards or apart from each other’ and Cat dancing on the word ‘the body wave’ (it also made my kid dance).

Overall, Earthquakes for Smartypants fun, informative, and beautifully illustrated concept book about Earthquakes.

Book Links

Goodreads | Amazon.in | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023 

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

What do you think about the books and reviews?
What are some of your favorite concept books you read as kid or for your kid?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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