Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie
Review,  Book adaptation review,  Show/Movie vs Books

Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie

Hello readers! I recently read Red, White & Royal Blue book with Misty and we both loved the book and were very much excited for the movie release on Amazon Prime. I just watched movie and I think, like most of book adaptations, the book was much much better than the movie. Here are my “Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie” thoughts.

If you missed reading my review of the book you can check it out ➡️ HERE.

Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie

Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie Review

What I liked in the movie –

Casting, especially Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine. They are perfect for role of Alex Claremont-Diaz and Prince Henry, respectively. There is little difference in their physical appearance from the book. I couldn’t help but notice Alex is taller and Henry with broad shoulders and a bit more lean muscle in the book while in the movie they look the same build and height. However, the chemistry between Taylor and Nicholas was lovely throughout the book. They performed their character so well.

The beginning cake-strophe scene and the damage control discussion and scenes related to it were perfect. The karoke scene is good but yes it’s not same without sisters. I absolutely loved Zahra barging into the room and finding Henry in the closet. Zahra was as fabulous in movie as she was in book. Museum scenes was as lovely as in book. The Buckingham Palace balcony moment in the movie was a good addition.

The cinematography is really good. Movie is cute and heartwarming. It kind of had a Hallmark movie feel.

There has been so many changes from the book and I didn’t like many of them!

The first thing I noticed and was bothered about was- Where is June? She as as much part of Alex’s life as politics and Henry. I also loved White House Trio and without her the whole point they eliminated from the movie.

Henry’s sister was there just for the show. We don’t get her backstory and her struggle with losing their father, substance addiction, and tabloid harassment. Also she was not there as part of The Super Six without June, the Karaoke scene didn’t feel the same.

Alex’s parents weren’t divorced so there wasn’t any family drama in the book and I think that is okay but Ellen didn’t feel as kick-ass female president as she was in the book.

Queen is actually a King in the movie and that is also fine but I think Queen had more intimidating presence in book than the King in the movie. Henry’s mom who was a game changer for Henry’s happy ending doesn’t appear in the movie! That whole Henry’s family drama was okay.

My favorite epic scenes didn’t feel that epic in the movie.

Romance is more focused in movie than friendship and politics which I think romance lovers or those who didn’t like the political aspect in book will appreciate more. But for me I loved the balance in the book and how the author gave every aspect equal importance so I would have liked the same in movie.

They eliminated whole layer of abuse by removing Luna from the movie and also changed who leaked their emails and text to media.

The movie felt too fast and too rushed. I get they had to wrap everything up and let go of many characters to make it fit within two hrs time frame but in doing so it didn’t have the feel and essence we get in the book.

Overall, the movie was fun, cute and heartwarming but book has all the charms, feel, excitement, and essence. 

Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie Rating –

Book ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (I would rate it more if I can)
Movie ⭐⭐⭐.5/⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

Have you watched the movie? Do you agree with me?
Which was better for you – Book or movie?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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