2023 goals and resolutions

2023 goals and resolutions

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and first week of 2023 went well with positive vibes that remain with you throughout the year. Like every year, I feel lazy when it comes to writing year-end posts and this year isn’t any different but at the same time this year I want to do things differently as well and so while I didn’t make any goals or resolutions in 2022, this year I want to make them and write a post on it. As you all know I’m not very good at following plans or resolutions but I still would like to try and see how long I can follow them and see how well I did in next year’s wrap-up. So here we go-

2023 goals and resolutions

2023 goals and resolutions

Read it at least 5 books a month

1 book from the shelf (my own books/buddy read)
1 from the NetGalley jar (yes, I have a whole jar filled with chits that are all NetGalley books I still need to read!
2 ARCs I received
1 NetGalley Book I still need to read but start with the oldest

Read 5 books from the shelf before I buy any new one

It’s useless to have a book buying ban. This looks more sensible. Also looking at the way I’m setting TBR it would be only after 5 or 6 months so it’s a win-win for both me and my husband.

Read a children’s book to my kid (not setting fix number but I’ll make it weekend thing)

I was used to read and review chilredn’s book on blog but I don’t know why I stopped. I would like to go back t reading and reviewing children’t books and it also gives me excuse to have dedicated time for my kid as well.

Less commitments, no tours (unless it’s a promo on social media)

I wasn’t interested in tours in last year bacause of lack of time, too many eARCs I have been receiving from publishers and my kid has changed many things life and one of them is i can’t work in deadlines. Even with all plans or no matter how hard I try to organise my life, life isn’t sure and there are days I can’t read a single page. Not participating in review tours reduces lots of pressure for me and not having timeline frees me to read books whenever I want and I will continue doing that for few more years.

Goodreads goal of 60 Books

I read 80 books in 2022 but this year I reduced Goodreads goals to 60 as this year is going to be a lot busy and that is proving right in the first week of 2023 itself. I could barely finish the book i started this week (i still need to read last 50 pages) that makes it one book a week target so I don’t tink I can possibly read more than 5 books a month.

Not following fix time or days when it comes to posting

As I would hardly have time for reading or blog, I might not be consistent with posts or even blog hop. I will write when I get time and post whenever i can, that can be at middle of day or night. This will be difficult for me as I have been following fix time to write and post for some years now but lately I struggle to follow it and it makes me frstrated so I would rather try to change that and be happy I can post than worry about I could post by this time of the day or couldn’t write at this hour.

Change in review format

Like I said in previous post this year will be year of changes and that includes not in life but in blog as well. I haven’t decided what but can be two reviews in one post or shorter review than I usually write. This is because it will gove me more room to add extra post that wish to include like book I read to my kid, movie we watched, show I enjoyed. And as I’ll have less time, I don’t want to spend more hours in writing long reviews or long posts.

More fantasy, series, classics, and historical romance

I read romance in 2022, I enjoy them but at the same time fantasy still makes me more happy and it makes my month of reading much better and I already feel this year I will need the comfort of my favorite genre more. I also would like to read more classics and historical romance than last year.

Be consistent with bookish journal and reading notes

i’m really bad with keeping book journals and it gets so messy that I stop writing in them but I want to be better at it. I also would like to take notes while reading so I can write reviews faster and wouldn’t have to waste time in organising my thoughts about how to write review.

Share / delete older posts

This is one thing I have thought to do for sometime now. I want to delete some older dead posts that are not well written or aren’t aligning with what I do now. Of course, I will not delete any reviews but I might delete other posts that doesn’t have discussions or review or wrap up. While I’ll be deleting some posts, I would like to share some older posts on social media and give them life.

For Life

Take care of my health – Like I said in last post, I have started taking care of my health. Started having green tea. Exercising at home regularly and I’m also trying to sleep early so I can wake up on time in the morning without feeling tired or sleepy. I’m slowly getting into new healthy routine.

Another thing I want to do for myself and my mental health is do not talk or engage with people who don’t care about me and hasn’t been treating me well. I’m not going to listen what they have to say and I would try not to let their words affect me.

Try planning my day and be more organized.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

What are you plans and goals for 2023?
Are you plan and list person or you go with the flow?

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Just in case you missed,,,

Beautiful Portable Travel Tea Set – Review
Vampiric Vacation by Kiersten White – Book Review

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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