10 Book Blogger I've enjoyed reading

10 Book Blogger I’ve enjoyed reading in Past

10 Book Blogger I've enjoyed reading

Hello Readers! This is a January prompt for 2022 Support Book Blogger challenge– FIND 10 BOOK BLOGGERS YOU’VE ENJOYED READING IN THE PAST. I like supporting book bloggers and I also share links of posts I’ve enjoyed in weekly or monthly wrap ups but giving shoutout is not something I have done before. I’m really lucky to have discovered some amazing blogs in my four years of blogging. Some have become friends, some taught me many things, some made me try something different on my blog. It’s really great to be among like-minded community that supports and motivates me every day. So here are 10 Book Blogger I’ve enjoyed reading in past in no particular order-

10 Book Blogger I’ve enjoyed reading in Past

1. Krysta and Briana @ Pages Unbound

I absolutely love Krysta and Briana’s blog. I don’t remember when I discovered them but I can sure tell ever since i have discovered their blog, I haven’t missed reading their posts. They write so well that it makes me want to comment on their every single posts, even review posts of book I haven’t heard before. I love their discussion posts most.



2. The orang-utan librarian

I enjoy every post written by her. What I like most are her reviews, list posts, and fun ‘How to’ discussion posts.

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3. Kristin @kristin kraves books

I first started following Kristin as I loved her reviews, I enjoy the way Kristin writes and those first lines she includes in every review that makes me think why I don’t pay attention to first line! She posts almost every day. It’s amazing how she does that with booktube as well. Another thing I love is her list posts and recommendation posts.


4. Sofi @ A Book. A Thought.

I think I discovered her blog in my second or third year of blogging. She writes in depth reviews and I enjoy reading her recommendation posts. She also inspired me with support blogger thing by including links of posts I enjoyed and include discussion questions at the end of the post. And I relate to her being international blogger as well.

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5. Lashaan @ Bookidote

If I have to list bloggers I have most interacted with, after Krysta and Briana, Lashaan would be second on the list. It’s not that long I discovered his blog but I have enjoyed all posts he has written even though I don’t exactly read graphic novels that he mostly focus on. It’s really amazing he even review games and movies. Best thing I like is the way he starts every post and his writing style is different from all blogs I came across so far.


6. Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books 

Her blog focus on YA books and I enjoy her bullet point reviews and recommendation posts. I have enjoyed YA books recommended by her and I keep adding books on wish lists after reading her list posts. What i enjoy most is her discussion posts and recent blogging discussion posts.


7. Kaya @ A Fictional Bookworm

I always look for someone who loves fantasy as much as I do and Kaya’s love for fantasy is what made me follow her. I enjoy her energy and enthusiasm that refelcts in her posts. What I love most about her blog is her list posts and reviews.

Top 5 (or four) Books That Scared Me!

8. May @ Forever and Everly

May’s love for Percy Jackson made me want to follow her blog in first place. I enjoy all her posts and her discussion posts are amazing and I absoltely love recommendations and list posts. I also enjoy reading her monthly wrap ups. If you’re someone who love reading diverse books and blogger talk about diverse representation, you should definitely check out May’s blog.

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9. Stephen @ stephen writer

I enjoy detailed reviews and Stepehn writes them amazingly. He covers every aspect of the book and there is nothing missed. Apart from reviews, I enjoy list posts, all top 5 posts, and some discussion posts especially those pros and cons of genre are just amazing. He is also supportive blogger and gives shoutouts by sharing links of posts he enjoyed.

Discussion – The Pros and Cons of Historical Fiction

10. Malka and Chana @ Paper Procrastinators

They both are amazing. It’s not long I have been following them, maybe a year and a half or something like that but I have enjoyed their posts ever since. It’s amazing how they come up with so many original posts. They are very creative and their blogging voice is refreshing.

Do I Prioritize Blogging?

Some more blogs I would like to mention that I have been reading and have enjoyed for long long time –


Yvonne @ Me and My Books


Kristi @ Confession of YA Reader

Mehek @ The Critiques of a Fangirl

Rachel @ pace, amore, libri

Eva @ Novel Deelights

Cathy @ Between the Lines

Laura @ snazzy books

Susy @ Susy’s cozy world

Shalini @ Digital Reads Reviews

Stephanie @ Steph’s book blog

Joanne @ Portobello Book Blog

Misty @ Misty’s Book Space


Rae @ Rae Reads Book Blog

Emma @ Damppebbles

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat

  • Are you following any of these blog?
  • Are you participating in Blogger Support Challenge?
  • Drop me a link to blog you’ve enjoyed in past. I would like to find new blogs to follow.

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Just in case you missed

Bound by Firelight by Dana Swift – Book Review
The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews – Book Review

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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