#Booktag : The Folklore Book Tag
Hello readers! I like this new Folklore album and exile is my favourite song so when I was tagged to Folklore book tag by Jessic@The Folklore Book Tag, I wanted to join it. Thank you Jessica for the tag. Check out her blog and answers ➡ HERE .
The Rules
- Link to the original creator: Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink
- Tag at least 3 people.
- Declare the rules and list of prompts in your post
- Thank whoever tagged you and link to their post.
the 1 // a book with an ending that left you speechless

The Twin- This left me speechless but not in good way. It was surprising and disappointing. I didn’t have a word to say and I just wanted to close the book and not read anything for some time. It left me hat hopeless.
cardigan // a book that makes you feel happy and sad all at once

Eudora Honeysett- this was the first book I read that had octogenarian main character. The topic was of death and Eudora’s past left me sad but reading Eudora’s friendship with 8 years old girl made me happy and I loved Eudora finally found peace and happiness.
the last great american dynasty // a book with a fascinating and well-told story
Spin The Dawn- both fascinating and loved storytelling that gave fairy tale vibe. This will make amazing Disney movie.
exile // a book you wish you hadn’t read
There are few that I didn’t enjoy and rated low because they made me angry or frustrated and was not happy with overall execution. Cupidity by Lucinda Lamont, The Secret of His Turquois eyes by Praachi Verma, A Way to the Infinity World by Narendra Singh, Ananta Shesha Naga by Sanjeev Sharma.
my tears ricochet // a book that made you cry uncontrollably

No book made me cry uncontrollably. Strike out that ‘uncontrollably’ word and my answer is- The Kite Runner, Me Before You and Eudora Honeysett.
mirrorball // a book that feels like it was written just for you
I don’t have answer to this.
seven // a childhood book that makes you feel nostalgic.

I didn’t read novels in my childhood but if I have that will be Matilda and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
august // a book that reminds you of summer

The Scorch Trial or whichever desert books you can find that has terrible heat setting. Trust me Indian summers are exactly like that and is the reason why I hate summer.
this is me trying // a book that deals with loneliness & sadness
Eudora Honeysett and Verona comics
Illicit affairs // a book that gave you a book hangover
All my favourites- Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Shadowhunter chronicles, Lunar chronicles, Harry Potter, The Priory of Orange Tree, LOTR
invisible string // a book that came into your life at the exact right time
I will say LOTR and The Hobbit because this wouldn’t have came in my life when it did I would be reading or writing this post. It got me into reading.
mad woman // a book with a female character you adore.
There are so many to list here. I love Isabella Lightwood in Shadowhunter, Annabeth in PJO, Ead in Priory, Hermione in HP, Iko in Lunar chronicles, Rose in Eudora Honeysett.
epiphany// a book that was haunting
Again same answer- All my favourites as I can’t get them out of my mind and those are the books I keep rereading.
betty // a book couple that fills you with yearning

Magnus and Alex. They both are lovely and adorable.
peace // a book character you’d die for because you love them so much!
Again my favourites and there so many more to list here.
hoax // a book that you thought you were going to love but didn’t.

Sorry if you are fan of this book but only one that comes to my mind is- Fault in Our Stars.
I Tag –
Lu reviews books | Debjani’s Thoughts | Jordann @thebookbloglife
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in comments what book that you thought you were going to love but didn’t and what book book couple that fills you with yearning.
Happy Reading!

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Loved loved loved your answers! Spin the Dawn and Verona Comics are good picks! ❤️
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you x
Lu Reviews Books
It was fun to read all your answers. Thanks for tagging me 😉
Books Teacup and Reviews
You are welcome! 🙂
oh I love the song exile! The kite runner made me cry too! And shame about the twin :/ Oh I love the hobbit and lotr so much. And Magnus and Alec are adorable!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Glad to know we like have common likes and choices. I appreciate the comment.
Teri Polen
Great choices, Yesha – I’m also a Magnus and Alex fan!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thanks Terry, They are incredible. I haven’t read a couple like them.
Nehal Jain
Nice answers, I agree about Annabeth and HP 😀😀
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! 🙂