
#BookReview : You May Kiss the Bridesmaid (First Comes Love #6) by Camilla Isley #ChickLit #romance @camillaisley

You May Kiss the Bridesmaid (First Comes Love #6) by Camilla Isley

Publication Date : July 23rd 2020

Publisher : Pink Bloom Press

Genre : Chick-Lit

Pages : 208

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A Wedding Date Rom Com

Archibald Hill is handsome, single, and he’s going to his best friend’s wedding ready to make a conquest or two. After all, everyone knows weddings are the perfect setting to get lucky.

Summer Knowles used to have a life—friends, family, a sister who’d do anything for her—until she blew it all away with a terrible mistake. Now, attending her twin’s wedding as the party’s undesirable number one seems like more than she can handle. So, when a tall stranger with smoldering ice-blue eyes offers her a therapy of seven nights of no-strings-attached fun, she might even ignore that he has a beard and accept.

Problem is, Summer has never been good at keeping sex and feelings separated…

*** Note: I received e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author for review copy. ***

You May Kiss the Bridesmaid was sweet and sizzling romcom that revolved around Summer and Archie’s love story. It was about forgiveness, moving on in life leaving the past mistakes behind, overcoming the commitment phobia, friendship, family, and love.

Writing was captivating, entertaining and fast paced that hooked me to story from the beginning and I didn’t stop reading till the end. I still can’t believe I finished this book in a day in one sitting. It was written in first person narrative, dual perspective of Summer and Archie. The plot was lovely. The destination wedding in Napa, best wines, wedding schedule and activity, bridal and bridesmaid’s dresses was written beautifully. I don’t usually read book out of order but this can be read standalone.

It started in the hospital setting which was surprising. Summer was going through cryopreservation process. She was single for long time and swore off men after last destructive relationship The Mistake, she wanted big family and was fast approaching the age so decided to freeze her egg and have family later in life. But more worrying than singlehood and egg freezing process was approaching marriage of her identical twin, Winter.

After The Mistake, her family and old friends have not forgiven her, except Winter and the person she hurt most with The Mistake- her best friend, Lana. One week long destination wedding was going to be depressing and unbearable with judging and unforgiving eyes. She found a way to overcome all these and pass the week, when handsome, bearded, the best man- Archibald Hill- offered no string attached fun. Well, Summer was not casual relationship person and never good at keeping sex and feelings separated while Archie was commitment phobic and didn’t believe in marriage or any serious relationship. I was curious to find out how their fun will play out and how their feelings were going to change and what will they do when the week is over. 

All characters were developed, realistic and fun to read. Summer’ relationship with Winter was amazing. I loved Winter’ protective nature and it was great to see their different personality in story. She loved Summer fiercely. Lana was darling. I need to read previous book to figure out how she found heart to forgive Summer after what she did. 

Summer was great throughout the book. I could feel her anxiety, guilt and regret, could empathize with her and understand how difficult it was for her to face the faces who has not forgiven her. I loved the way she owned it and apologised to Lana and even to those friends who weren’t exactly affected by what she did and were being rude and unreasonable towards her. She was smart, sensitive and caring. She knew what she was getting into when she knocked Archie’s door. I liked her for being strong and not being pushy or expecting anything more, when she realised her feelings have grown and Archie wouldn’t commit anything after their fun period was over. I’m glad she didn’t settle for less and stayed determined to what she wanted in life.

Archie brought this book to life. I liked his devil-may-care laidback attitude. He was player but also a gentleman, never took advantage of women, and behind his lover boy persona was a caring, lovely person who could be amazing boyfriend, husband and father only if he could commit. I loved how he could see past Summer’s mistake, what people told about her, understood and supported her when she needed most. I liked reading his dilemma about what he felt for the first time with Summer. He was idiot and it took time for him to understand his own feelings but I loved how he overcame his commitment phobia.

Romance between Summer and Archie was hot and steamy. I enjoyed their dirty talk, flirting game, conversations and secret hook ups. I loved seeing both of them transform and glow with their growing feelings, how they realised this was not just one week fling and wanted more than what they decided. Complications and heart break was inevitable when secret came out but I loved how things worked out at the end.

Climax was both tense and fun. I laughed how Winter came upon their secret. I so loved her when she exploded at Archie. Serious talk, making things clear on what they wanted out of all these, Archie’s development, long awaited conversation between Summer, Winter, and their mother was best part in the book. I loved the wedding scene and how thing worked out between Summer and Archie. It was perfect end.

Overall, You May Kiss the Bridesmaid was quick read with lovely characters and blush inducing romance, a total escape, pure entertainment and perfect and feel good romcom. I highly recommend this book.

Book Links : Goodreads | Amazon
Affiliate Link : Book Depository

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in comments what you think about this book and my review, if you have read this already or previous books in this series.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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