

Hello Readers! Hmm so I’m at home not going anywhere and whole India is locked down. My cousin whose marriage I was going to attend is stuck in Delhi so forget about marriage! The way things are going this is for more than just a month. So good thing for me is, I didn’t sign up a tour or accepted any request for next month and for May as well. That means plenty time to read my own book. (I’m looking at The Priory of Orange Tree and Sleeping Beauties). Until last week I had 100% NetGalley ratio. Can you imagine? And now I have 10 books! I requested 3 books but rest were pre-approved from publisher. They all looks so good.

What I read last week-


This was refreshing and lovely romance. I loved theme of the book and adventure was just amazing. If you haven’t read this yet just get it.

Currently Reading-

I started reading two books simultaneously.


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I’m almost halfway through this book. I expected it wouldn’t be light read and it’s a big book so I was prepared for the steady pace. But I have to say so far it’s great and I loved the writing. It’s both poignant and poetic. I’m already curious to see what happens next.

Autoboyography by Christina Lauren

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Why? Why I didn’t read this before? This so amazing, refreshing and lovely YA, LGBT, romance. I just finished 30% of the book and I’m already in love with character and writing and dialogues and everything I read so far. Now I know why it’s so popular and why everybody love this book.
I’m reading this online on Riveted Teen. So like me if you still haven’t read this book, don’t wait for me to finish this and post review.

Next I will read (Probably)-

The Twin by Natasha Preston

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In this psychological thriller, Emmy finds out that her twin sister, Iris, is trying to push her out of her own life—and might be responsible for their mother’s death.

After their parents divorced, 10-year-old twins Emmy and Iris were split up—Emmy lived with Dad, Iris with Mom. Now, after a tragic accident takes their mom’s life, the twins are reunited and Iris moves in with Emmy and their dad. Devastated over Mom’s death, Iris spends the first few weeks in almost total silence—the only person she will speak to is Emmy. Iris feels her life is over and she doesn’t know what to do. Emmy promises her twin that she can share her life now. After all, they’re sisters. Twins.

It’s a promise that Iris takes seriously. And before long, Emmy’s friends, her life at school, and her boyfriend, Tyler, fall under Iris’s spell. Slowly, Emmy realizes she’s being pushed out of her own life. But she’s just being paranoid, right? And Mom’s accident was . . . just an accident. Right? It’s not like she—or Dad—or Tyler—are in any danger. . . 

So this has mixed review. I haven’t read them just scroll through. It sounds interesting so I hope it turns out good for me.

Let’s discuss!

What did you read last week?
What are you planning to read this week?
Have you read any of these books?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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