Review,  Romance

#BookReview : Perfect Match by Zoe May @rararesources @zoe_writes

Hello readers! I liked Zoe May’s When Olly Met Polly and when I saw email from Rachel’s Random Resources about birthday blitz for Perfect Match, I had to sign up. This was my last book in 2019 and I really enjoyed it. Check out my review and in this post.

Perfect Match by Zoe May
Publication Date: January 12th 2018
Publisher:- HQ Digital
Genre: Romantic Comedy / Chick lit
Pages: 362
Stars: ★★★★★

Can you ever find true love online?

Sophia Jones is an expert in all things online dating: the best sites, how to write a decent bio, which questions to ask and the right type of photos to use. The only thing she’s not so great at? Picking the guys…

After sitting through yet another dreadful date with a man who isn’t quite what she expected, Sophia is just about ready to give up on the whole dating scene. But her flatmate, Kate, persuades her to give it one more chance, only this time she must create a profile describing her ‘perfect’ man.

Yes, he must look like Robert Pattinson and needs to own a multi-million pound business, but there are a couple of other deal breakers, too! So, when a guy comes along who ticks every box, surely there’s got to be a catch?

A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy, perfect for fans of Catherine Bennetto and Rosie Blake!

*** Note: I received e-copy this book from via NetGalley as a part of blog tour, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Rachel, author, and publisher. ***

Other books I read by the same Author:

Perfect Match was entertaining and charming chick-lit that revolved around Sophia and her many attempts to find true and perfect love through online dating. It was about quirks of online dating, dream of perfect love vs the reality, taking time to know a person over a first sight sparks and fireworks, character over look, and beauty of imperfection.

Writing was smooth, engaging and enjoyable. The setting was amazing. After Paris, London is another place in the world I dream to visit. I loved to see London through story and characters’ eye- The Shard, London eye, tubes and stations, market and fancy restaurants all the places were narrated wonderfully. The story was first person narrative written in Sophia’s charming and refreshing voice. Her voice and view point made story even more entertaining. Oh and I laughed at catheters and poo articles Sophia was working on.

Book started with Sophia’s difficulty over finding her perfect match through online dating. She was 28, wannabe writer, desperate to find her ‘The One’ but had a series of bad luck in dating and boyfriends. She tried all dating sites but it all got her hilariously worst dates. When she got tired and hopeless after her date no 71, her roommate and best friend insist to try one last site. She relented and tried different approach, listed the criteria of dream man- multimillionaire, adventurous, Robert Pattinson lookalike and other factor (which were most hilarious). She was sure she was never getting the man with these criteria but when she found Daniel through the site who ticked all of them, she found it unbelievably lucky. She couldn’t help thinking what’s the catch. (Me too! I was sure he can’t be that perfect)

It was so fun to find out if the Daniel was her real perfect match, can he be fitting all criteria and still be genuine, not a con or hiding something. And the biggest question if he was so great and genuine what he was doing on the dating site.

First 30% was humorous, getting to know characters and online dating, Sophia’s life in London, her job and friends. It was entertaining and moved with good pace with curiosity to know more about Daniel. He looked okay by this point. I knew his money and looks are not scam and he was good in most of the aspect. But as story progressed things started to make sense. (about Daniel, of course! I could see what he was doing.)

Sophia was great character. At first I found her too dreamy and too opinionated. She rejected most of her dates based on her first meeting and first impression. But I understood what she really was doing and why. She thought she might know who her true love will be once she met them like her parents or most of her friends but what she really didn’t know was it’s different for everyone.

Her relationship with Daniel looked great at first. Her new life was like landing in fantasy world all magical and sparkly but as time passed and she got deeper in Daniel’s world and was thrust back to reality. At some point I was afraid she might mess it up with her friends and job, being so wrapped up in her bubble that she might even put everyone and everything she loved behind but I’m glad it didn’t turn out that clichéd.

Her friendship with Kate, Tom, Sandra, Lyn and Chris was wonderful. Kate was cynical and practical. I could relate to her more than Sophia. Lyn was fun to read. This old lady was cute and so lively. Sandra’s hamster story gave extra fun treat. Oh and Chris’ food facts were amazing. He was my most fav character. They all played fantastic role in love life of Sophia. I won’t tell more about Daniel or Chris, you better find it out yourself by reading the book.

The arc of online dating and finding perfect match and true love was well presented. The message of taking time in getting to know a person and develop love over the time was wonderfully conveyed. It’s not about love at first sight, the story very much say you cannot get love at first sight (mostly, I mean), the spark and firework you feel in first meeting based on just good look and humor is not long lasting, nobody is perfect, everybody has imperfections and finding perfection in those imperfection is what makes the relationship.   

Third half was my most favorite with Sophia’s development, revelation of Daniel’s all too perfect to be good character and his intention behind being on dating site and even dating Sophia was real treat. I couldn’t guess that. The climax was filled with drama and a bit sadness but I loved how Sohia grew by the end of the book. Epilogue was lovely.

Overall, it was fun and lovely romantic comedy with amazing characters and many hilarious and dramatic situations. I definitely recommend this book if you’re into Romcom and Chick-Lit.

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Author Bio:

Zoe May lives in southeast London and writes romantic comedies. Zoe has dreamt of being a novelist since she was a teenager. She worked in journalism and copywriting before writing her debut novel, Perfect Match. Having experienced the London dating scene first hand, Zoe could not resist writing a novel about dating, since it seems to supply endless amounts of weird and wonderful material!

Perfect Match was one of Apple’s top-selling books of 2018. It was also shortlisted for the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s Joan Hessayon Award, with judges describing it as ‘a laugh out loud look at love and self-discovery – fresh and very funny’.

As well as writing, Zoe enjoys walking her dog, painting and, of course, reading! She adores animals and if she’s not taking a photo of a vegan meal, she’s probably tweeting about the dairy industry. She is half Greek and half Irish and can make a mean baklava. Zoe has a thing for horror films, India, swimming, hip hop and Radiohead. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of handbags having spent several years working in fashion copywriting and could probably win Mastermind if this was her specialist subject!

Zoe loves to hear from readers, you can contact her on Twitter and Instagram at: @zoe_writes. Zoe’s Facebook page is:

She posts updates and blogs on her website,  

Social Media Links – Twitter | Instagram

Let’s discuss!

What do you think about the book and my review?
Have you read this book already or any book by the same author?
Have you read a book featuring online dating? If so, which is you most favorite?
What are your thoughts on online dating?

Happy Reading!!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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