Cover reveal

#CoverReveal: Change of Plan by Keeley Holmes

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Hello Book Lovers! Today is the cover reveal for cover for Change of Plan by Keeley Holmes, designed by author, organized by Xpresso Book Tours.


Change of Plan by Keeley Holmes (Serendipity Series, #4)

Publication date: September 17th 2018

Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance


Penelope hadn’t planned on getting pregnant.

But now she is, her plan includes a water birth, calming candles and music, it also includes keeping the baby far away from her controlling mother.

With her mother interfering in her life demanding she had a sophisticated baby shower with her snobbish friends, Penelope takes charge and organises a week in London… Two weeks before her due date.

What could possibly go wrong?

Theatre plays, crazy golf and fake celebrities are planned, but she should know by now that plans don’t always work out. And when she goes into labour far way from home, does it really matter that she can’t have the water birth and whale music…? What she needs is a hospital, and her husband here with her.

With her friends rallied around her, she’s about to add a baby to the baby shower, and thanks to the drugs, she’s even happy that her mother is here.

It’s time to meet Baby Wilson.






Keeley.pngI’ve loved reading and writing since before I can remember. It’s always been a passion of mine to write for people and for them to enjoy my work.

​I’m currently writing my way through an adult series and thinking about what I can do for the Young Adult/New Adult scene. There’s always ideas floating around in my head.

​When I’m not writing I’m reading or watching films and enjoying time with my boyfriend, little dog and family.

Author links:

Facebook / Website / Goodreads / Twitter 





Isn’t that cover beautiful? I loved it. I like all covers in this series.

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