2018 Mid-Year Updates / Books Teacup and Reviews

2018 Mid-Year Updates

Hello book lovers! June is gone, half year is gone and so everyone is doing that mid-year freak out tag and other mid-year bookish posts. I didn’t want to do tag, (no one tagged me anyway) but I wanted to share my favorite books of the year so far and also mid-year challenge update and roundup. So let’s check out how I’m doing—

Favorite books in 2018 so far-


Kitty Hawk and the Mystery of the Masterpieces (Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency #5) by Iain Reading

Prithviraj Chauhan: The Emperor of Hearts by Anuja Chandramouli

#BlogTour #Review: Valentina (Chantelle Rose Series #2) by Cristina Hodgson @NeverlandBT @HodgsonCristina

The Things We Need to Say by Rachel Burton

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

Matilda by Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake (Illustrator)


Challenge Update:

Goodreads Challenge-
Goodreads Challenge.png


Mid- Year Roundup:

Total Books Read- 59
Total Pages Read- 13510
Average Rating- 4.4
Re-read- 1
This year started nice, smooth everything was just as per schedule but then things got disturbed once returned from vacation in March. It took lot of time to set back in routine, I was pushing myself to finish books I have targeted for month, I’m not reading that much specifically WP readers section, and there is decline in stats. Agh!! Blogging was not that good. I guess I’m doing just okay with book reading. 
So for the rest of the year- I will try to read as much as I can, interact more with bloggers, I’ll not accept any requests unless required, read at least 1 Netgalley book, will participate in at least 1 blog tour with review, and finish books that I purchased. 
And one more thing. I’m on pinterest now. Here is link to it ⇒ https://in.pinterest.com/booksteacupnreviews/
Follow me if you are using pinterest or leave your user name below so that I can follow you.

How has been your year so far? Do have any reading goals or challenges? How are you doing with them so far? What are your favorite books this year? Share your thoughts in the comment- box below.
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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