
Mr. Confidence by Rahiem Brooks

Mr confident

Publication date: May 15th 2018

Publisher: Prodigy Gold Books

Read Date: May 16th 2018

Pages: 541 

Stars: 1/5

1 star_crop

Goodreads blurb_edited

When a wrongly accused man (Don Juan Jackson) gets out of prison, he focuses his attention on becoming a good example for his six-year-old daughter, who at her tender age has been terribly influenced by her mother and her mother’s many paramours. He plans to get a job to be a family good father, but his plans are derailed soon after his release.

His life becomes packed with unbelievable excitement when he is drawn into a life of white-collar crime by his childhood pal, Lex. They commit several scams and schemes–and Secret Service agents are watching. But with the money abundantly flowing in, Don Juan takes explosive measures to get custody of his daughter and to avoid another trip to the penitentiary.

Pulse-pounding seconds pass as Don Juan risks his freedom and fatherhood for the score of a lifetime.


I was expecting this book a crime thriller based on con, scam and scheme by the blurb. I wish someone had put a review earlier on this book so I could get a better picture of what’s actually in the book before accepting the request, because it was totally not as blurb described it. It will be more convenient to say it was erotica with sex and money drama. 

why not 5 stars_edited

I didn’t like- Characters. Narration and language. Emotions. Thrill and action. Theme and plot. 

More than once I felt like I want to skip this book but as I have promised for a review I went through it hoping against hope that it will turn out better at some point. 

The book is all about Don Juan Jackson, his life before prison and after it; sex and sex and sex; revenge; and little around white collar crime of identity and money theft that  Don Juan carried out with his childhood bests friend, Lex. Story was written in third person narration from the perspective of mostly Lex and Don Juan.

Language – From the first chapter only my half expectation for this book went down. The language was rough street language that also with lots of swearing, sex, and disrespectful towards women. I would have been okay with swearing but it was on every page and paragraph and I might be right if I include sentence. Author just overdid with that. Who speaks like that all the time! Sex – of my goodness it was in every chapters. Graphical and describing everything and not even that erotic. I just wanted to close the book on reading it. I haven’t expected that from the book. All women were displayed as sex object. The least expectation that was remained, just evaporated here. No woman would like to read a book where women were talked like that and behaved even worst. The display was totally disgusting. Blurb was misleading but even if I have read the book blindly I wouldn’t have liked it because of this reason.

Characters– I’m not going to describe any of them it will be enough to say, Men of the book lived only for money and sex they didn’t have any moral or emotional bone.  Even the ladies of the book were no better. They were there for sex and revenge with foul mouth, they didn’t even care if they were pregnant or had a baby. All characters of the book were not even near to okay and real far from good and likable. they were extremely selfish, money minded, sex driven. Thankfully Don Juan’s daughter was left clean and innocent, an only character worth reading. And Ijanay – Lex’s girlfriend -was good and quite decent, odd woman out in the book.

Plot and theme– As I said from blurb I expected it to be about scheming and scams. It was there but was written in flat voice. It should be stronger and catchy or at least interesting. I felt none of it. It was too simple without any complexity.

No Action. no tension. no emotions. It turned to more towards revenge of ex-girlfriend and mother of Don Juan’s daughter. Characters never showed empathy or any kind of love. Just that father-daughter relation was little nice in the book but I didn’t feel much after seeing how that father acted with other women. Blurb said ‘he focuses his attention on becoming a good example for his six-year-old daughter’. To be honest he just wanted to be good father providing his daughter loads of expensive gifts, not exactly setting example of good father.

What I liked_edited

Only likable thing in the book was- Pace- it was extremely fast. I was like how am I going to finish these 500 pages but I went through in no time. 

Entry of Investigating agent, Mason, gave the book little thrill and tense effect- that was also very late, almost around climax – and it didn’t last long.


Overall, the book was disappointing. It didn’t turn out as I expected. It just didn’t work for me. 



*** Note: I received e-ARC, in exchange for an honest review. ***

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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