
The Razvak Hunter (Razvak Series #1) by Arel B. Grant

Razvak Hunter

Published: February 28th 2016 by BZN Writing House

Read Date: November 4th 2017

Pages: 236

Stars: 5/5

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Aelwyd has worked hard to become strong. As the Fairest One of Vallenthar, her power is formidable. Years of battle honed her into a fearsome warrior who never falters in front of an enemy.
However, there are shadows that when they come, they can swallow you whole.
After a hundred years of praying against it, the minute she walks into the chilling scene of death in front of her, she knows her personal nightmare is back.
He nearly destroyed her once, but she isn’t a victim anymore. This time, she will stop him, or she will die trying.

Dalbran knows nothing of friends, joy, or mischief. The orphaned ward of a ruthless warrior woman, she’s never showed him love or affection. Instead she fills his days with learning the art of battle, savage teachings of how to survive in their harsh world. Days are filled with pain and exhaustion, but nighttime used to be his own. Even that is now lost, though, for something lurks in the shadows of sleep, clawing at him the moment his eyes close. He tells himself it’s okay, that he can handle it. However daunting the voices may be, however cold the hand that chokes him in the darkness, as long as it stays within the nightmare, everything will be all right.

As long as it stays within the nightmare…


The story revolved around the Rose Vallenthar and its bearer Aelwyd. Her enemy Razavak, life of Dalbran, Vallenthar and the world in it. It was story about fighting against fear and evil, about strength and strong will that can help in fighting for freedom, about greater responsibility that might tear apart everything and about love and loss that can change a person.


All characters in the book had equal importance, very interesting, had great role in the story that left impact on reader.

Aelwyd– the fairest one, bearer of Rose of Vallenthar. She was sensitive, soft hearted but also fierce warrior. You don’t want to mess with her, if anger surfaced she might order you to die and no one can do anything against her order. She was brilliant in the book, her one and only goal was get over the fear Razvak planted in her heart, defeat him, being free from responsibility of Rose, and live happily with Rodan. I felt for her, for her suffering and what she has gone through.

Rodan– Commander of White Knight army, personal guard of Aelwyd and brother of Elven king. He was quiet one, great warrior and center of Aelwyd’s world.  

Dalbran– this character was my favorite in whole book. Funny, sarcastic, soft-hearted and innocent yet he was sharp minded tough guy. No one could have survived 18 years of training under Harer except him. The way he showed strength and strong will in forest while hunting, won my heart. I simply admired this dude.

Harer– She was one mysterious, ruthless character. Though there was not much detail about her in the beginning, her horrifying methods of teaching drew attention towards her and this tyrant was only who made me damn curious to know more about her.

Razvak– terrifying antagonist who was cunning and hard to defeat.

Character development of Aelwyd and Dalbran was mind-blowing. I loved the way they fought against evil.

What I liked_edited

Story was narrated by third person in alternative chapter of ‘Before’ and ‘Now. ‘Before’ was all about the world building, Aelwyd’s life as bearer of Rose of Vallenthar, her responsibility towards fair people, her love life with Rodan, and encounter with fierce, horrifying enemy Razvak. It also told about why Razvak was attacking Elves and Aelwyd. While ‘Now‘ was about the training of Dalbran, his hard life under the tutoring under Harer that also gave some information about world building that was left out in the ‘Before’ chapters. There was one connection between ‘Before’ and ‘After’ part of this story that was revealed in the climax.

Beware the shadow that carries the poisoning lips, for it brings nothing but death and sorrow.

World building of this book was amazing. I loved to read all the details about Elves, Easia (land of dark ones) and Myrasia (land of White ones), Rose of Vallenthar, and Razvak.  First few chapters gave the overview of main characters Aelwyd, Rodan, Dalbran, and Vallenthar. Rest of the chapters took deeper into the world, gave more details on history and life story of these main characters and Razvak which was very interesting. It also gave details on the other creatures and animals of this world. The map in the beginning of the book was awesome.

Nothing is more meaningful or noble than strength.

I loved Elfish language and history of Rose of Vallenthar. Chemistry of Aelwyd and Rodan was so sweet and very clean. I liked that author did not focus much on romance but at the same time showed the depth of their relationship. It felt so unfair they couldn’t be together.

Emotions in the book was so heart touching. Aelwyd’s thought on Rose of Vallentha, how it had been a burden on her and she considered it a curse felt so real. The fear she felt regarding Razvak, how she feared losing Rodan, and how she overcame to those emotions was beautifully narrated.

Everything in this book was very unique and creative. There was not a single thing in the book that I didn’t like. There were many heart-breaking and horrifying moments but never felt it was overdone or unlikable that push me to cut a star. Never once I felt it was just meh.

Every moves of protagonist and antagonist were so interestingly uncertain. At 50% of the book I couldn’t guess what will happen to the characters. The suspense in the book was so thrilling. I was damn curious to see why Harer was so cruel or whether Dalbran will run away from her or what will happen to him, and what will happen in the battle against Razvak, how they’re going to defeat him and what will happen to Aelwyd.

The twist and turns in the last 40% of the book was so brilliant an unimaginable. I couldn’t stop reading from this point onward. Events from Climax to End were amazing. I didn’t want this book to end. I hope author writes next book of the series real fast.


Overall, just brilliant, interesting, steady paced, great characters and villain that was hard to defeat made it even more interesting. I highly recommend this book to fantasy and Elf lovers.


Author: Arel B. Grant

To know more about author click Here.


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*** Note: I received review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

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Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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