Fiction,  Mystery

Pigeon Blood Red by Ed Duncan


Pigeon Blood Red by Ed Duncan

Published: February 25th 2016

Read Date: October 8th 2017

Pages: 250

Stars: 4/5

4 star_crop




Books was centered on its gem ‘Pigeon Blood Red ruby necklace’ and how characters got involved directly or indirectly to this necklace. Basically this story was character driven set in Chicago, narrated in third person view and very gangster type.

Story was quiet straight actually. Robert was under neck deep debt, stole Pigeon Blood Red ruby necklace from Litvak’s man, ran away to Honolulu and indirectly involved his wife, Evelyn in this. All characters gathered at Honolulu with different purpose and get involved in the necklace chase. Now how they got involved with necklace, who will get it in the end and what will happen to them… Well, that’s the story.


There were many characters in the book and all of them had almost equal role and importance. In short, all character were flawed, no one was perfect. I bet, every person’s view will be different about these characters. I didn’t actually connect with them, I knew them and their life by the end of the book but I couldn’t understand their thought process and so I couldn’t say who actually developed or whether they learned anything or not except Rico. It was like everyone were going with the flow, and so I with them, until end decided where they will stand.

Characters involved with necklace were- Rico– man on field, Anti-hero doing all dirty work of Litvak but likable. I liked the principle he sat in his line of work that he won’t change in any condition. Evelyn– Robert’s wife, idealistic but was just okay until the climax, and then I didn’t like her much. Paul –Lawyer who was on vacation also got involved in this. He was nice and genuine in this whole affair.

Litvak – money lander, Rico’s gangster boss, who orchestrated all the chasing thing because necklace was his possession. Robert– gambler who stole this necklace in the beginning of the story and Rachel. Nothing was good about these 3 characters.

What I liked_edited

Story directly took to the world of gangster and main point of the book- the necklace chase. After first 40% of the book, this chase became thrilling and I actually loved the story from this point on. Till that it was all about knowing the characters and their situation better. It was good thing but took a little time to connect with everything.

There was very detailed life stories of all characters, even those who had very little role and related to characters. Right from family back ground to how they got into job they were doing, how they met the person whom they considered near to them to the present situation. all through information which helped to know them and was required to connect with the main story.

I liked relationship of Rico and Jean. The conversations was less but the way they understood each other’s work was something we rarely find between couples that made these unruly characters admirable. Paul and JoAnne were also good together. Did I mention detective in the book? First time I liked a detective who was side character and actually did his work thoroughly and quickly and most importantly was not stupid.  😉

Best thing in the book was Pigeon Blood Red ruby necklace. Yes it was very beautiful but that’s not I’m talking about. All information related to it was brilliant- Where they are found, how rare they were, why they were priceless and who actually owned them and how it reached to Litvak. That was fascinating piece of the book.

Short chapters and so fast paced book. Story progressed very quickly with nice turning points. Few I could see coming, have guessed very early and some things were shocking. Creative climax. I actually didn’t know what will happen from here on. End was fair enough. So yes I’m happy with the end.

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There wasn’t actually major negative points in the book. The story was enjoyable but as I said earlier it took little time connect situation and characters, and couldn’t understand thought process of characters.

Pretty straight for me. I was not on the edge, chewing my nail while watching the story unfold which I expected in this book. I had cozy mystery type of feeling.


Overall, refreshing, gripping, fast paced, gangster thriller. Though it was straight for me, I enjoyed it. Something new and different. I recommend it? Yes.


About Ed Duncan

Ed Duncan is a graduate of Oberlin College and Northwestern University Law School. He was a partner at a national law firm in Cleveland, Ohio for many years. He currently lives outside of Cleveland, OH and is at work on the second installment in the Pigeon-Blood Red trilogy. To learn more, go to

Connect with Ed on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

*** Note: I received this book from the author via Kelsey @bookpublicityservices, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and review? Have you read this book already or any of the books by this author?  Share you thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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