Book Tag/Award

The Versatile Blogger Award


Hello Everyone! First of all big thanks to Noriko @Diary of a Bookfiend for nominating me to this award. You can read her answers for this award here.

Don’t forget to visit Noriko’s blog. She very active blogger and writes amazing reviews and daily musing posts.


1.) Thank the bloggers who nominated you and share their links.

2.) Nominate at least 10 bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.

3.) Also inform them about their nomination.

4.) Reveal 7 facts about yourself that your readers may not know.

Facts about me!!!

I have to think what to write whenever this question come up in awards and tags!!  (Am I only one feeling this way?? ) What you guys don’t know about me?? Let’s see…

  1. First and obvious- I’m greedy for books. So I feel real hard to say ‘no’ whenever I get new book review requests. I feel like I want to read and also I don’t have time for reading those books, and after accepting books I feel pressure that I have so many books to read.
  2. I don’t like rigidity and strict restriction in anything. I never fit anywhere near these words.
  3. I’m not naturally talented in anything. I fall in ‘learn and grow’ category.
  4. I love cats but I don’t have one. Because I can’t leave my cat alone at house whenever I go on vacation. In India, it’s very difficult to travel with pets unless you have your own car and going everywhere by car.
  5. I’m shorty. My height is just 5’1”.
  6. I’m not a fitness freak but I like to eat healthy, do home exercise and love evening stroll.
  7. I love to watch all Marvel and Disney movies.

I nominate:

Cathy @

Bri @

Charlotte @

Steph @

Karmilia @

Flavia @

Kristi @

Jemm @

Kathy @

And… whoever would like to do this award, please consider yourself nominated. 🙂

Happy Reading! 🙂


BTR signed F_edited

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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