Fiction,  Review

Blemishing the Odds by Harish Penumarthi

Blemishing the Odds

Published: October 23rd 2016 by Half Baked Beans

Read Date: April 30th 2017

Stars: 3/5

Blemishing the odds is debut novel by Harish Penumarthi, set in India.

Blurb (in my words)

Story starts with protagonist- Raghav narrating the best phase of his life (school life) to his children. Raghav, last bencher, famous for bad reputation in school and among relatives, who loves to play more and study less. His parents wants him to take life and specially studies seriously. After he meets Trisha- diva of the school, his not so serious life starts turning to serious (serious in love not studies). Trisha becomes center of everything in his life. But, destiny has already started to give more attention to Raghav. Tragedies and separations. Will he blemish the odds? Will he ever change and how? Are Raghav and Trisha really meant for each other or it’s just childhood fantasy?

My view:

This is the journey of a student with ups and downs in life including love, family, friends, and lots of melodrama.

Characters- Raghav was amazing throughout the book. His character development from careless to mature son and from emerging sportsman to studious student was very nicely written. I found Trisha selfish and more immature than Raghav. Joe, a good friend of Raghav, I was having hard time believing that guy- drugs, alcohol and cigarettes at age 15! In India!

Basketball game in the book was exciting and refreshing. Events that changed Raghav completely was center point of the book and it was remarkable. Whole story gave the feeling like I was watching an on-stage drama. The book has shown true face of a typical Indian school and education system. It was fun to read that part from protagonist’s POV. All emotions in book felt true.

The story is not something different or unique. But, it was definitely nostalgic and can bring smile on face while reading. The story was filmier than necessary. End was expected and open-ended one.

Overall, it’s good and light read.

*** Note: I received book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

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Happy Reading!!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

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