The Mask of Sanity by Jacob M. Appel
Published: March 31st 2017 by The Permament Press
My rating: 4.5/5
When you find out, after years of marriage, your wife is cheating on you, what you will do? Normal sane person will argue with wife or file divorce? Well, here the person is psychopath. Dr. Balint, successful cardiologist, a good son, and father of two daughters. He is nice person and content in life. When he finds out his wife is having an affair with his colleague, he plans to murder his wife’s lover to save his marriage. And to cover it series of murders and turns to serial killer wearing ‘the mask of sanity’.
My view:
This book solely focus on the thought process of a psychopath. That was the best thing of the book. No nonsense details of affairs and no gross details of murders. To the point story about two face life of Balint and his point of views and justifications for murders.
This book was steady-pace and thrilling. I loved writing and story of the book, it’s brilliant. I liked witty lines in the book which were great relief during the constant tension of the book. No single character is likable, they are interesting but not likable. Though Balint’s character was unlikable (no one likes psychopath), he was weird yet amazing blend of a heartless, remorseless, brilliant killer and ethical cardiologist.
There is no mystery or suspense and still this book made me curious at every point- When he is going to kill his victim and how, what is going to happen in the end, whether he will end up in jail or not, will he ever stop killing!
Why 4.5 star – There could be so many twist in book. At some point I started thinking that Balint is wrong about his wife or Sugarman. May be I am so used to twists in plot. But there isn’t any and that’s why it looks more realistic rather than filmy. So, it’s both plus and minus point.
End of the book was suspenseful. Is author writing a sequel of the book? If so, I really want to read it.
Who should read? If you are interested in psychology thriller and want a change from typical looking psychopath, this book is for you.
*** Note: I received a review copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author and publisher for providing me copy via LibraryThing. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***
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