weekly wrap up

My kid finds a new way to cause trouble – weekly wrap up

Hello Readers! I hope you all are well. My week in reading has been good. It wasn’t as such a good or bad week but in no way I can say it was uneventful as my kid finds a new way to cause trouble. These days she is making this weekly wrap up post all about her.

Like usual I take her out for walk on her bicycle with push handle (she of course wouldn’t learn to paddle the bicycle and it’s me pushing and maneuvering all the time) but these days she wants to get something from shops she sees on the way. All of sudden she stopped cycle even though I had control of it (I don’t how she gets that much force to stop it but wouldn’t use the same force to paddle on her own), got off cycle, and started telling me she wants to go to shop across the road. I very unsmartly told her “we should not let’s go home and we have buiscuits you like”. And that started scene of crying and shouting. I tried to make her understand, at last I said “okay we will go but you sit on cycle so we can cross the road” but nope! she thought I will take her home as soon as she sits on cycle and so she ran across the road towards the shop on her own leaving me with her cycle. This is India, people don’t follow speed limits and there were cars coming. I had to run with her along with her cycle to catch up so any driver not prepared for kid suddenly crossing the road won’t hurt her. Thankfully, cars passed before and no other vehicle was coming while me and her were crossing the road.

Another day, at night my husband thought he will take her for short drive on two-wheeler as she wanted to go out (that often happens and we have to take her out to keep our sanity). All was fine, my husband driving she enjoying city lights and wind on her face until my husband took u-turn to retun back home. As soon as he slowed down to take u-turn, my kid got off the two wheeler. Yes, you read it right. She stepped on footpath and started running. My husband couldn’t just leave vehicle in the middle of road so he drove slowly along with her until they reached riverside area which is closed at night and policemen were there who stopped my kid from entering the riverside. Guess what happened? another crying, kicking and screaming! My husband parked and went to take her. She won’t undertand she can’t go where she wants to at this time. Policemen asked my husband what he was doing while my kid was running like that. Is he drunk? (if you don’t know let me tell you Gujarat is dry state. Mean no alcohol, there is no liquor shop here and people aren’t allowed to have alcohol unless they have a government permit but of course people have other illegal means of getting alcohol and every person knows that, even policemen). They asked him how can he not handle my kid and if he cannot he shouldn’t have taken her out of the house in first place. My kid wouldn’t get back on the vehicle and nor would listen to the authorities. Somehow he got her back home and was so frustrated with whole scene she made along with worry same as mine what would have happened if she stepped off the footpath or my husband would have lost balance of vehicle while she was getting off.

Sometimes we really think how she, so little, could make two functioning adults so tired physically and mentally. (And all adult relataive, including our parents, ask us why we don’t want another kid!🙄) All we can do from now on is take her out when we both are there to handle her if something like this happens again.

Back to the reading week,

What I read Last Week

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

This turned out really amazing. Both me and Toni enjoyed it. I liked the unusual style and format. At first I didn’t like Kady and it was hard to predict other characters specially AIDAN but I ended up liking them. I could see many things coming but that end managed to surprise me. What I wasn’t expecting was AIDAN becoming so human and one of the protagonist. I could see why so many readers enjoyed this specially Sci-fi lovers. It will be hard to review this book.

Next I’ll be Reading

Lemon Drop Falls by Heather Clark

Brave the sour to taste the sweet.

Morgan is devastated by her mother’s sudden death. Before, Mom’s amazing organizational skills kept the family on track, and her bowl of lemon drops was always on hand to make difficult conversations easy, turning life’s sour into sweet. After, there’s no one to help Morgan navigate her new role caring for her younger siblings, her worries about starting junior high, and her increasingly confusing friendships. All she can do is try to fulfill her mother’s final request: Keep them safe, Morgan. Be brave for them. Help them be happy.

When Dad insists on taking the family on their regular summer camping trip, and Morgan’s efforts to keep her promise to Mom seem doomed to fail, Morgan’s anxiety spirals into a panic attack, and Dad treats her like she’s impossibly broken. Unable to share her fears and needs with Dad, and desperate to prove she’s got the strength to hold the family together, Morgan sets off alone to hike a flooding canyon trail. But somewhere on that lonely and dangerous journey, Morgan will encounter the truth about the final words her mother left her, the power in finding her own voice, and the possibility of new beginnings.

I thought I will read this in weekends but I couldn’t start because of family fuction and gathering. But I’ll start this and hopefully will finish it in couple of days.

A Perfect Equation (The Secret Scientists of London #2) by Elizabeth Everett

How do you solve the Perfect Equation? Add one sharp-tongued mathematician to an aloof, handsome nobleman. Divide by conflicting loyalties and multiply by a daring group of women hell-bent on conducting their scientific experiments. The solution is a romance that will break every rule.

Six years ago, Miss Letitia Fenley made a mistake, and she’s lived with the consequences ever since. Readying herself to compete for the prestigious Rosewood Prize for Mathematics, she is suddenly asked to take on another responsibility—managing Athena’s Retreat, a secret haven for England’s women scientists. Having spent the last six years on her own, Letty doesn’t want the offers of friendship from other club members and certainly doesn’t need any help from the insufferably attractive Lord Greycliff.

Lord William Hughes, the Viscount Greycliff cannot afford to make any mistakes. His lifelong dream of becoming the director of a powerful clandestine agency is within his grasp. Tasked with helping Letty safeguard Athena’s Retreat, Grey is positive that he can control the antics of the various scientists as well as manage the tiny mathematician—despite their historic animosity and simmering tension.

As Grey and Letty are forced to work together, their mutual dislike turns to admiration and eventually to something… magnetic. When faced with the possibility that Athena’s Retreat will close forever, they must make a choice. Will Grey turn down a chance to change history, or can Letty get to the root of the problem and prove that love is the ultimate answer?

This is releasing tomorrow. I like the idea of a secret haven for England’s women scientists but I’m a little unsure for this as I haven’t read the first book. Hopefully this turns out standalone and I can easily dive into this victorian era without missing anything from first book.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…

Have you read any of these books or added to TBR? 

QOTW – Do you like to read book in order or you can read book from middle of the series or without reading previous book?


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Just in case you missed

Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon  – Book review
Struck By Love Series by Syrie James  – Kindle deal

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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