
#MonthlyWrapup : March 2020

Hello Readers! So this month was filled with bad news. Everyday something new and equally bad we hear. Looking at the constantly increasing cases and people constantly ignoring government and going out for gathering, this lock down is going to be more than just a month or two. Honestly, it hasn’t changed much in my routine as I only went out once weekly before this lock down.

This month was great in terms of reading, because almost all book I read were amazing and were 5 star reads. I added many books to TBR. From this month I’ll be reading what I feel I want to with alternate 1 NetGalley and 1 my own book.

This is 3rd blog anniversary month. I’m thinking to get plan for blog. I’m not going to stop blogging ever so I thought it would be good or at least get domain name.

What I read and reviewed this month-

Books Read: 8
Books reviewed: 7
Pages read: 2450

The Call of Death by R .J. Garcia — [Review] ★★★★★

I enjoyed this book.
The Call of Death was paranormal YA, part horror, part romance and suspense. It revolved around Hanna and her psychic ability. The book was about friendship, romance, doing right thing, using gift to help others, bravery, and good vs evil. It was interesting, thrilling and wonderfully written paranormal YA romance. I recommend it to fans of this genre.

Blackthorn by Terry Tyler — [Review] ★★★★★

I love books with thought provoking topics,which gives so much to discuss over. This was that kind of book. It should be popular book or at least this series.
Blackthorn was post-apocalyptic dystopia set in 2139, revolved around Blackthorn- a largest settlement in England, people in the city, their life under an oppressive ruler and how it changed with arrival of a charming traveler with his story of The Light. It was about politics and control, faith and belief vs cynicism and logic, communism, manipulations for personal gain, and fighting for loved ones. If I’m not wrong this was fifth book in Project Renova series. It was mind blowing, intriguing and thought-provoking post-apocalyptic dystopia that I recommend to fans of this genre.

The Break Up by Tilly Tennant — [Review] ★★★★★

I love both cats and dogs but cats are my most favorite. This book is perfect for cat lovers.
The Break Up was heartwarming chick lit, cozy romance and women’s fiction that revolved around Lara and life after heart break. It was about betrayal, working on your dream, coming out of heart break and finding closure of hurtful chapter in life, friendship, love, and pet love. It was lovely, refreshing and cozy chick lit, part romance and women’s fiction. I highly recommend this book.

In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree by Michael A. McLellan — [Review] ★★★★★

Another thought-provoking book with heavy topic. It was just great.
In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree was historical fiction based on civil war, set in 1861-1866, a dark and brutal time period in American history. It was mainly about racism and its impact, civil war, antagonism, unjust law and exploitation, and fight for survival and what is fair and right. This book was highly disturbing and evocative. It was filled with so much horrors humans are capable to create and sick psychology. It was amazing, thought-provoking, and heart breaking historical fiction. I highly recommend this book to those who love to read books based on history and to historical fiction lovers.

Cynetic Wolf (Wolfish #1) by Matt Ward — [Review] ★★★☆☆ (3.5)

Hmm, this was only book that I didn’t rate 5 because of less descriptive world and few other things, otherwise it was unique and loved the concept.
Cynetic Wolf was post-apocalyptic, YA, science fiction set in 2096, revolved around 16-year-old Reak who found out he was a mix breed and how that changed his life. It was about oppressive government, insurgency, war, politics, friendship, love, betrayal, and fighting for better future and unity with chosen one trope. It was super-fast paced, enjoyable, action packed dystopian sci-fi, filled with twists and amazing world. I recommend this to fans of sci-fi.

Avocado Bliss by Candace Robinson, Gerardo Delgadillo — [Review] ★★★★★

I loved this one and best book by these two authors.
Avocado Bliss was refreshing YA contemporary romance that revolved around Avocado lover, Salbatora and Diabetes fighter, Dacre. It was about life of Type 1 diabetic, everyday struggle with disease, passion, coming out of shell and grief, insecurities with new friendship and love. It was lovely, delightful, and refreshing contemporary with serious topic and unique characters. I highly recommend this book to contemporary romance lovers.

A Day at the Zoo by Cassie Roberts — [Review] ★★★★★

A Day at the Zoo was cute imaginative picture book that revolved around two children and their adventures at the zoo. It was about trying different activities, never saying no to opportunities and enjoy the moment. it was entertaining story that educate kids both about animals and activates and at the same time encourage them with its great message.

I just finished Beyond The Moon. It was great read as well. I’m most probably going to to rate it 4.5. Review will be up this week.

Best book of the month-

Let’s discuss!

How was your month in reading? What did you read this month?
Have you read any of these books or are you going add any to your TBR?
Which book(s) was your favorite this month?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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