Fantasy,  Review,  YA

Clouded by Envy by Candace Robinson

Clouded by Envy by Candace Robinson
Expected Publication Date: February 19th 2019
Publisher: The Parliament House
Read Date: December 22nd 2018
Genre: Fantasy / NA / Paranormal Romance
Pages: 215
Stars: 5/5

Brenik has always been envious of his twin sister, Bray. Growing up as fairy-like creatures, known as bats, everything came easier to Bray. While Brenik spent his time in her shadows, never feeling he was enough. After escaping their world of Laith, and living on Earth for ten years, Brenik attempts to strike a deal with the Stone of Desire to become human. Though true humanity is not an option, he will accept the curse that will alter him to get as close as he can.

Living in a tree trunk for the past year hasn’t been easy for Bray, more so after her brother disappears again. When a human boy and his brother, Wes, find her, a new friendship is struck. Through Wes, Bray learns there can be more to life than waiting within a tree. But worrying over where Brenik has vanished to always remains in the back of her mind.

When Bray reunites with Brenik, she realizes she must help him break the curse after she discovers the need for blood is beginning to overpower him. The curse not only damages those who get close to Brenik, but it could also destroy whatever is blooming between Bray and Wes.

Clouded by Envy was a NA fantasy paranormal romance; a bittersweet story of siblings, envy, deepest desire turning out to be disaster, selfishness, dark vs light within self, choices and its consequences.

Brayora (Bray) and Brenik were twin sister and brother. They looked like small fairies, bats with human face. Bray was pure-hearted, amiable, smart and was quite mature. She formed relations with humans on earth easily. She was developed character and I loved the way she cared for Brenik but I did not appreciate she staying back in life because of Brenik’s selfish nature. I fell in love with her pure heart and jolly nature.

Brenik was envious, self-centered and blamed Bray for being weak at core of his nature. He loved her and hated her at the same time. There was lot of things bad about him but he also cared for Bray which he realized too late in the book. His negative role as a brother and the way he tried to repay the wrong he did at the end was exceptional.

Wes was amazing brother and Luca was most adorable kid. I loved everything about these two. They gave the book new turn and life.

This was the best book I read by Candace Robinson. I liked it even more than Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault . Writing was mesmerizing, characters were creative and the world was unique.

The book was third person narrative written in two timeline- 10 years before 1995 set in a fictional world, Laith and the present time (1995) on earth- from Bray and Brenik’s POV, alternatively. It began a decade before 1995 which told the story of Brenik’s feeling towards Bray and how the seed of jealousy was sprouted in Brenik’s heart, how they escaped Laith and arrived on earth. Most of the book was in present time Bray and Brenik’s life on earth, how they survived on earth being the creatures from the other world and how it changed their life.

First few chapters outlined Bray and Brenik’s nature and more colors were filled to their character as the story progressed. I loved reading Brenik’s POV because of his two sides good and bad always at war with each other. I hated him for being selfish while on the other hand I liked that his conscience was not totally destroyed. Bray’s growing friendship with Wes and Luca was charming.

I was curious to know where Brenik flew to, why he left Bray and when he will return, whether he will find a way to lessen his venomous feeling for his sister or do something unspeakable. Book held my attention even more when Brenik stuck a bargain with the stone of desire and series of tragic events take place that lead to disaster.

Emotions in the book felt true. Family dynamic was realistic. It was fascinating to read complicated relationships. Vampire, Picture of Dorian Gray and Captain Hook made it even more unique. Concoction of fairy tale and classic created an intoxicating cocktail.

Climax was gripping, the end was heartbreaking, and Epilogue was wonderful.

Overall, it was fast paced, imaginative, fabulous NA fantasy that I highly recommend.

Author: Candace Robinson

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*** Note: I received e-ARC from the author, in exchange for an honest review. ***

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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