The Bachelor of Belmead by Helen Bea Kirk
Published: August 7th 2017
Read Date: May 4th 2018
Pages: 153
Genre: Fiction / Contemporary
Stars: 4/5
People say that money can make or break you. Todd Ross is living a broken life when the grandmother he thought long dead gives him an opportunity to rebuild. Her estate is worth a fortune, but it comes with a catch and he’s not happy about it. With an angry ex on his heels, Todd must decide whether to continue down the path he was on, or jump in head first and make something of this second chance. Petrified that the inheritance bestowed on him will render him penniless, Todd and his friend, Shay, navigate the strange new living circumstance and social life together. Will it be Todd’s road to finding real happiness or will the strangers surrounding him lead him down the road to ruin?
The Bachelor of Belmead was funny entertaining fiction novel on bit of romance and bit of life and family value that revolved around two main characters Todd Ross aka Thaddeus and Jack aka Jack Lynn Simmons. Two opposite characters meet through a big white mansion at Belmead Parkway in Dallas.
There is warning in the beginning of the novel about bit of sexual content and alcohol consumption but it’s not much to worry about. It’s definitely not that graphical.
Again Helen’s books contain many characters and they all are so colorful, you can’t talk about book without them. They all helps to build the story and never fail to get your attention. So this part is going to be a bit long.
Todd- He was soldier trained in Marine Corps, then had sky diving experience, and now was into a plumbing business. He never care much about family, love and money. For living and sex he relied on his girlfriends came in life. They were kind of arrangement for him he never actually loved them. Irresponsible, inconsiderate, careless were the words for this character that popped first in my mind, nothing was likable about him except his looks in the beginning. But as I knew him more in novel I found him not that bad. He was good at heart and never was rude to anyone, he just lacked proper direction which he got when the responsibility of Belmead property he got in inheritance falls in his hand.
Jack- she was veterinarian, caring, not that interested in sex and was the beneficiary of the Belmead house. She valued her family and profession. Sounds nice, right? Well, she can be real tough and nasty and can challenge any man. Perfect match for Todd and somehow Todd’s grandmother had foreseen this.
Mr. Simmons (Jack Sr.) – Jack’s father- was senile old man but was wisest and funniest character. I liked the way he advised Todd and became first person to bring change in him.
Shay- Todd’s best friend, lesbian, funny, and caring friend who helps Todd in his tough time.
Tenants of Belmead were all different in nature and background. They made book even more colorful and entertaining. I was surprised to see they were managing nicely together.
Sargent- here is my fav character of the book- Mavis’s (Todd’s grandmother) German Shephard whom she left in care of Jack. He was such and understanding and protective dog and his relation with Jack and her family and later with Todd was so amazing.
Book was narrated in third person voice with perspective of mainly Todd and Jack and also from secondary characters when necessary.
I loved the beginning of the book. It was catchy and I knew I’m gone love this book. The back ground and introduction of all characters was very descriptive that gave a close look to all of them and made them realistic.
Some event felt bit implausible but the presentations of them with luck and humor made it entertaining. Initially it looked very simple- Todd wanted to sell house and Jack was beneficiary so will seek her permission and will try to convince her, but u want believe how complicated and messed up that turned out which was the charm of the book. I was curious to see how both Todd and Jack were going to meet and will solve the mess they created.
I also loved the wise words of Jack Sr. and Curtis specially his love for God and his preaching to Belmead’s residents that affected everyone’s life. Example of pallet by Todd was remarkable and so true. People do change their taste often so many times towards different things and even people.
Party at Belmead was most hilarious scene. I was smiling like crazy throughout the book. It had this feel good and refreshing feel. Climax was gripping and love the way it was written. Most surprising twist came near the end of the book. I didn’t see that coming. The book was just awesome but there were one thing that I felt was missing and that is why I cut the star.
The only thing that book missed was event related to Emily and Trent. I couldn’t find that part where they find out who Jack was in party or about the fact that Jack caught them and knew about their affair. I was waiting for this to happen, but it wasn’t there. I even checked twice if I missed a page to read or something. It would have made the book even more dramatic and entertaining.
Overall, it was dramatic, entertaining, character driven romance fiction that will be great to read something different and refreshing read. I definitely recommend this book.
Author: Helen Bea Kirk
To know more about author click HERE.
Buy Link: Amazon.in / Amazon.com
*** Note: I received e-book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author for giving me a chance to read this book. ***
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I just wanted to tell you how PRETTY your blog is!! Great job designing such a beautiful site! -Ashley
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Thank you, Ashley! I love your blog as well. You and Sabrina write great! ❤️
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