Book Tag/Award

What Makes You Happy Tag

happy tag

I I’m happy to do this happy tag today.  Thank you Dawlyn and Krista @ Little Blind Book Finds for tagging me. 🙂 Don’t forget to check their blog, they write beautiful detailed reviews. You can read their answers to this tag here.

5 Things That Make You Happy!


Books – Obvious!! More happiness when it’s paperback.

Doing something productive and new- I love learning something every day. I involve myself in different activities.

Being myself- I know it sound weird but when I have to be something else, to just keep people around me happy.. it steals my happiness. Where I can be myself without being judged is the happiest thing I can ever ask for.

Wrist Watch- I collect watches. I love wearing different Watches.

5 Songs That Make You Happy

  1. Raabta –

2. FROZEN | Let It Go (sing along)-

3. Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars –

4. It’s hard not to smile and dance with this song. American Authors – Best Day Of My Life-

5. Hailee Steinfeld – Love Myself –

Bonus: 5 Foods That Make You Happy

Pani Puri- delicious






Cakes and pies

Cakes and pies .jpg

Ice cream- but no butter scotch flavor

Ice cream.jpg

I tag –

ANNDDD… everyone who read this post. 😉

Okay! I’m damn hungry! *signing off*.

I would be happy to hear what makes you happy. I’m coming back after I put something in my stomach. So leave comments before you run off like me to eat. 🙂

Happy Reading! 🙂

BTNR_editedBTR signed F_edited


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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