Fiction,  Review

Shepherds’ Mayday by Helen Bea Kirk

shepherds mayday

Published: June 14th 2017

Read Date: August 14th 2017

Stars: 4.5/5

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Blurb (in my words)-

Shepherd brothers, one- Drake, who is famous dentist, party-goer playboy and other- Jerod, who has just returned from military services has joined FBI, are living messed up life. Both are unaware where their life is leading them.

Emma go to live with her uncle Grant in Santa Barbara for the safety of her mother and herself, little she knew she would be stuck with money hungry person.

Meredith lives with her daughter at her best friend’s place Trish, who is palm reader and former boss of Emma. A wrong number of her father Major Andrew is going to change her life.

Life changing events of loss of arms, a death, storm, plot of money hungry people, a wrong number, is going to merge these characters at one place- Santa Barbara and set their paths in proper directions once again.

Looks like, Shepherd’s distress signal were real high. Will God help them in sorting their life for better? 😉


10 characters, 10 life, 1 place.

Can you imagine it in one book?

No! Try this one. 😉

Fate has surely been at hard work to pair the two of you.

This line from the book definitely goes for the characters of Shepherds’ Mayday. What an amazing cocktail of life, tragedy, loss, love, family, and belief in God it was! This was character driven realistic fiction.

What I liked– right from characters, the plot and the story to the end.

First, what a brilliant creation all the characters were! I loved the way author created these characters. They all were different from each other, felt real, the emotions poured into this characters were so simple and yet heartfelt. Oh I so loved grandpa- Mr. Lions in this book. This old fellow had dementia but was most sane, wise, and wittiest character when came to his granddaughter Emma. That old chap made me laugh and smile in the book. He was first one I liked in book till that I didn’t like any character. Emma was another character I liked after Mr. Lions. Poor Jerod I felt so sympathetic with him that I wanted the best thing to happen with him. Rest of the characters were like good in their role and perfectly played the story.

They all were so complicated living complicated life that made story very much complicated. Yup, that was my first thought till first half of the book. I was totally unsure what they were up to. Later half of the book! Oh my! What a change and development I saw in all of them and how fast their life changed! Simply Amazing! I loved these last half of book.

Second, I loved the way author started the book. Giving bits of information about characters, their life, what they were doing in life and one side face of all of them. Honestly, this part was tiny bit slow for me, it was confusing. But story progressed everything fell into place and I could see all the sides of character and could understand them better. So I don’t regret that slow confusing start. Damn I so love this book then on. I also liked Biblical quotes in the book. Faith, hope, and fates defines this book.

Third, the twist and turn were brilliant. I didn’t see that coming. I think after reading whole book I could see how cleverly author plotted this book. Making beginning confusing and then suddenly dragging me into the story.

End– I loved the end of the book. How Fates worked and changed everyone’s life was beautiful and played fair at the end. This is first time I read a book where fates played fair at the end. Seriously! I couldn’t expect better end than this one.

I want to say so much about this book and characters that if I keep on babbling I may end up telling everything and spoil the fun of the book.

The God is great” that was my last thought of the book.

Why 4.5 Stars? Ah, for making my head confused in the starting with shower of complicated life info of characters. 😉

Overall, beautiful tragic realistic story.


Author: Helen Bea Kirk

Know more about author HERE and books by author HERE.

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*** Note: I received a copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to author. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read this book or any book written by this author? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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